Episode 227

Own Your Voice, Shine Your Light featuring Nick Demos | 227

In today’s episode I am joined by Tony Award winning producer, Soul Aligned Business Coach, and my personal friend, Nick Demos, and we are diving deep into what it means to ‘turn inward,’ purging what is no longer serving you, and uncovering what it means to “up-level” on your individual journey as well as “up-leveling” as a collective.

In episode #227 of the CEO Psyche podcast, “Own Your Voice, Shine Your Light,” we unpack what using your authentic voice can look like, how you can incorporate playful energy into everyday business, and how inner “work” can lead to loving yourself into the expansion.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

What does it mean to practice Pratyahara? (to turn inward): Can focusing our energy inward allow us the opportunity to learn to be somewhat ‘comfortable with being uncomfortable’?

– ‘Embodiment is a process’: Is there a difference between telling someone something versus guiding that same person, so that they can uncover the answer themselves?

– Do we ever stop up-leveling, or do we just keep ascending?’: You evolve, your business evolves. Is it possible that the tools and/or the teachers that you  needed two years ago, may not be the same tools and/or teachers needed to currently serve you at your highest level?


“I think for so long so many of us looked at our own individual journey, rather than the collective journey. And the pandemic – shut that all down. And two things happened at the same time: we were forced to turn inward – pratyahara – to turn inward – right, we had to go into a shell and look at our own shit. We had no choice but to be completely uncomfortable and learn to be somewhat comfortable in uncomfortability. And, at the same time, this collective rising began to happen where we noticed – we began to look at things that are essential.”

“Fifty is the new thirty.”

“There is a wisdom that you obtain through life experience. And it’s really only about the transitory nature of the body.”

“The tools are useful until they’re not longer needed. And then, at a certain point you let go of the tool.”

“You evolve. The tools that you need at one point in your business, are completely different than year two, three five, ten years later – in your business – or your life, (because it’s all the same). Teachers too. The teachers I needed three years ago, are vastly different than the teachers I’m going to need five years from now. Therefore, there is somebody for you, and, there is somebody that needs you.”

“There are things that I wish I knew when I was younger – about myself. But, you can’t know them until you go through them. Embodiment is really a process. Telling someone something versus that person being guided to the answer themselves, is such a different result.”

“Eat the damn donut.”

“As you get older, you truly do care less and less what people think — if you’ve been doing the work.”

“Do the work, now. Dig in, now. Life is NOW. It’s just now.”

“I like to say I’m giving my “play.” What I’ve learned is this: we are conditioned to work. We’re conditioned to believe that work is good and play is bad.” 

“I used to have this thing with team members where I would try to get them to do ‘9-minutes-of-creative-play-per-day.’ And I couldn’t get anyone to do it. But if I said, ‘Hey we have to do 9 minutes of work,’ people would be like – ‘Yeah okay, let’ go do it.'”

“When I say ‘go do the work’ what I really mean is ‘go play’ or ‘go love.’”

“Your authentic voice is important and needed, no matter who you are. Now, I’ve also created space for some people who have not necessarily had their voice heard to this point. But, that doesn’t mean I lessen my light to lift somebody else’s light up – to brighten theirs. We can both have bright lights.”

“Everything that’s happened over the whole pandemic, this last year and a half, really take a moment today and just back up the lens. Widen it. And, see: you’re the speck of dust – that stardust in the middle of it – but you are a bright light, that is part of that bright light collective. So, shine your light, as we shine the light on every other star.”


“One of the most valuable lessons I learned is something called ‘Pyrrhic Victory,’ in other words – when the cost of winning is too great. On paper I had success but over time I began living out of integrity with my own values. I realize that there are times for compromise, and there was a lot of compromise, but I realized that my internal version of success had many phrases of what success ‘would be’ or ‘should be.’ I got the quote – unquote ‘success’ I was looking for but it turned out that wasn’t exactly what I wanted my success to be.”

(Via Shaman Durek): “You’re not giving your work to the world – you’re giving your LOVE to the world.”

“How many different contexts are we using the word ‘work’ ? Even the term ‘inner-work.’ So now instead of just saying ‘I’m doing the inner-work,’ I follow up with, and by that I mean ‘I am loving myself.’”

“When I say I am focused on doing the ‘inner work’ – what I mean is that I am creating space to love myself, and love myself into the expansion.”

“What is the picture you see in your head when using the word: ‘work’ ? Is it one that draws you closer to it and gets you excited? Or is it a repellent word that makes you not want to do the inner ‘work’ ?”

Meet Your Podcast 
 Host & Guest

Jamie King - Bio Headshot

Jen Casey is a brain-based business coach, speaker, & host of the top-rated CEO Psyche Podcast. Through her signature program, Primed to Buy, Jen teaches her brain-based approach to designing launch content that gets clients excited to buy before enrollment even opens!

When Jen isn’t working, you can find her jamming out to Broadway soundtracks, becoming best friends with every dog she meets, & introvert-ing on the couch with her fiancé, Michael.

Jamie King - Bio Headshot
Nick Demos

Nick Demos is a Tony Award-winning producer, Filmmaker, Soul Aligned Business Coach, and host of The Creative Soulpreneur podcast.

With over a decade of teaching meditation, yoga, and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has traveled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between.

Nick helps online entrepreneurs use their intuition and creativity to form structured strategies so they can tell their personal brand stories and end their business struggles.

Website: www.thenickdemos.com

Instagram: @thenickdemos

Facebook: The Nick Demos

TikTok: @thenickdemos

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