Episode 225

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Are you making things harder on yourself by working against your rhythm? In episode 226 of the CEO Psyche Podcast, I am joined by 4th generation Sound Healer, Shanila Sattar, and we are doing a deep dive into how to re-connect and get into rhythm with ourselves. In “Sound Healing” we explore how frequencies affect brain waves, activating our parasympathetic nervous systems, and surrendering in healing work as a means of shifting energy from ‘surviving’ to THRIVING.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • For every season, and every brain wave – there is a purpose: The 5 Brain Waves – What are they, how do they function, and how we can use this information to inform our actions?
  • Sound Baths: What are they? (Hint: There is no water involved)
  • Tuning in to our personal rhythms: How can sound frequencies affect energy stored or cleared in the body? (You have permission to find what works for you!)
  • Shanila drops a powerful river metaphor: How we can look at the overall wellness of our bodies in holistic ways?
  • BONUS: Shanila outlines her “Four Healer Architypes” – Which do you most identify/relate with?


“Even relatively healthy people can find themselves in kind of confusing situations physically if we’re not looking at ourselves in an integrative way.”

“One of my biggest drivers is to help people make that transition from relying on the traditional ways things have been done, the traditional ways that we have shown up in our lives, in our jobs, in our careers, and really start to integrate holistic healing modalities in a deeper and more meaningful way.”


“Our bodies have natural ways to heal itself, if we could just pay attention and slow down and learn the very basics of what that means – you can change literally everything about your existence. You can change your mood, your sleep, your focus, your digestion, your metabolism, and it’s not about doing more and adding more to your life it’s actually about doing less and getting a better result from that.”

“Sound healing involves instruments tuned to different frequencies that allow your brain to get into different states. While you do that, your body activates different parts of your nervous system: specifically, your endocrine system and your parasympathetic nervous system. A lot of us, because we’re stressed, we’re worried – because – we’re overthinking, we have all these things to do, and things to think about, and worry, worry, worry and then we eat right before bed, our body is always in this kind of fight, flight, or freeze mode. We’re in this sympathetic state where, we’re just traying to survive. And, the hierarchy of what your body needs – it needs to survive before it can thrive. Right? And so, in that process we experience a lot of ailments, we experience diseases, we experience mood swings and energy – or feel-good hormones like oxytocin dopamine, trace amounts of DMT that we’re producing in our stomachs, but we don’t have access to it, even though we’re producing it in our body. And so, these little ways, when we’re allowing ourselves to listen to crystal bowls, or gongs, or whatever sound healing tools that we’re using, it allows your body to go into this parasympathetic state which allows your body to activate its natural healing state – so – it optimizes your body to rest. All of the things that are overworking in your body, now has an ability to slow down. Everything that has been over-taxed, overworking, over-utilized, no is like, ‘Okay, let’s just chill. We don’t need to just survive right now we can actually THRIVE from here.’”

“I always say that: Sound Healing is like the cheater’s way to meditate, because you get all of the benefits.”

“Just think about it on an individual level. You also function in rhythms. Your seasons have rhythms. You have circadian rhythm, you have an ultradian rhythm, you have an infradian rhythm. And so, all of these rhythms are either: 24-hour rhythms, you have 120-minute rhythms, you also have a monthly rhythm.”

“The brain functions in five waves. We have the Beta Wave: awake, functioning, talking conscious, able to communicate. Alpha wave: space between sleep and awake. About to dose off but if asked a question you could wake up and answer. Theta Wave – what you get to during meditation, breathwork, sound healing. This is the deep luxury dreamlike wave. We spend less time in this Theta Wave because we’re: anxious, or, we just ate before bed, etc. This is where download ideas, we dream about things in our subconscious, we get into the parasympathetic nervous system. Delta Wave – Deep, Slow, Restful, not much in your brain activity. This is the “let’s stop everything wave” This is the restoring, regeneration, brain in sleep mode. Deep, deep, deep rest. Then there’s the Gamma Waves – much faster, triple the speed of a Beta Wave; super high cognitive state.”

“If you have the ability to know that your body functions best in a certain time, set yourself up – to do that. Set yourself up to have your projects, your phone calls, your brainstorming sessions – at a time and a place of your specific energy that serves you best for the rest of the day. That includes: What time are you going to eat? What time are you going to meditate? It’s not about being rigid, but, once you understand what your rhythm is you can be less hard on yourself, and you can be less shameful about.”

“Let’s blend the two worlds; the science world and the mystical world. A lot of what I say around blending the science and the mystical is that: We are practicing modern alchemy. This is about dancing between the two worlds; understanding that there are things in the world that really require us to have linear, logical, systematic ways of thinking and being, AND there’s all these different things that are unexplainable. There’s mysticism. There’s spirituality. There’s feelings and emotions that – we don’t know how to talk about. Science doesn’t know how to measure consciousness; they don’t know how to measure feelings. We have to understand that things exist in duality, and how do we find the balance between these two worlds.”

“Any kind of healing work, is just a lesson in surrendering. There is just stuff that you don’t know. But you, if you experience it, allow that to be true. Allow yourself to experience that thing that you can’t put a word to.”



  • Circadian Rhythm
  • Ultradian Rhythm
  • Infradian Rhythm
  • Brain Waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Gamma, Delta
  • Parasympathetic Nervous System

Meet Your Podcast 
 Host & Guest

Jamie King - Bio Headshot

Jen Casey is a brain-based business coach, speaker, & host of the top-rated CEO Psyche Podcast. Through her signature program, Primed to Buy, Jen teaches her brain-based approach to designing launch content that gets clients excited to buy before enrollment even opens!

When Jen isn’t working, you can find her jamming out to Broadway soundtracks, becoming best friends with every dog she meets, & introvert-ing on the couch with her fiancé, Michael.

Jamie King - Bio Headshot

Shanila Sattar is a 4th generation sound healer, breathwork coach, women’s researcher, national speaker, and host of a Top 6 podcast, The Playground. She is the founder of AlwaysPlay Studios and The Integrative Healing Academy, where she trains sound healers, breathwork facilitators, and mentors aspiring healers.

She loves to mix the science and the woo in her practice and hopes that she’s able to reach people who may feel that wellness is inaccessible to them. She is particularly interested in helping BIPOC healers hone their crafts and close wellness gaps in our communities. In the past years, she’s supported 1000s to do the same through programs, mentorships, and trainings, being one of the first to receive grants from the State of California to bring holistic healing such as sound and breathwork to clinical populations. She’s implemented programs in women’s shelters, veteran’s legions, and underserved school populations to continue this work.

Website: www.alwaysplay.org

Instagram: @shanila.sattar

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