Episode 213

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The FIRST BRAND NEW episode on the NEW CEO Psyche Podcast – as I shared previously this has been a long time coming and it feels so good to have everything feeling fully aligned – which brings us to today’s episode all about business alignment.

Today I really wanted to create a conversation around alignment in your business vision – because in an online business world where we are seeing everyone else’s stuff 24/7 it can become a distraction from following our own path, trusting our own nudges and listening to our own inner voice.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
– What is alignment really and how do you know if something is truly aligned?

– The intersection of vision & action – and what it really looks like to come into alignment

– How to activate real change in your brain, body, and life


How do you know if you’re moving in the right direction? How do you KNOW if something is aligned? How do you know when it’s time to quit something? How does one navigate the shifts of expanding into a new version of themselves? What does it actually mean to be aligned?

There are two things that create a true business vision: alignment and action: we need both, right?

What happens to you when you get STRESSED? This is where we can really see ourselves.

If there is a LOT of alignment, but no action… Jump from idea to idea without taking any steps to make any of them happen… you’re the dreamer.

If you’re someone who is heavy in action, go-go-go, hard work, but not in alignment with the vision, you’re defaulting to being the Doer. And if you have neither, you’re a toe dipper.

Now all three of these are operating from from an illusion that being busy leads to results. The Doer is physically busy. “What if it’s not enough?” The Dreamer is mentally busy. “What it’s not good enough?”


Where did your goals come from? Have you checked back in? 

And I say this because ALL EMOTIONS CARRY MESSAGES. We need to listen to our inner guidance system. We can try to lie to ourselves and say we WANT to do something, but if it’s out of alignment with our highest desires and highest purpose – or if there is something to still look at and heal that is in the way of us moving towards that, our emotions alarm us and bring our awareness to it.


 – I had to remind myself that I wasn’t starting OVER, but I was starting from scratch in this new business – which I made a conscious decision was EXCITING. New energy. New possibility. New expansion. And in each expansion, I’ve given myself GRACE and permission to be a beginner again.


Also — it’s a recognition that everything you’ve EVER DONE was once something you had never done. So you are a master at making things happen.


You are innately courageous. You are innately a problem solver, a manifester, a creator, so many things you may not be fully acknowledging.


Can you still take action without 100% alignment??

Yes. And action often breeds clarity around what isn’t feeling fully aligned.

But you want to be asking the questions and being in the discovery. Release the expectations of how and when things “should” happen.

Alignment doesn’t necessarily mean 100% clarity. But moving towards alignment and asking questions like “What brings me joy? What about what I do do I love? What can I release? Does this align with my core values? Who do I need to become to accomplish these goals? What does my soul need right now? What does my highest self want to eat, do? Does it want to dance? Play? Jump on a live video?”

The questions ARE the answer… and simply by making the ask, and asking different questions, you are operating from a different paradigm.

As humans, we have neuroplasticity – the ability of the neural networks in the brain to reorganize. By asking new questions, YOU ARE ACTIVATING REAL CHANGE.

How do you know something is aligned??

I notice my breath change. My muscles relax. I might get butterflies, or have full body goosebumps.



An intuitive, aligned YES, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a yes right now.

Also leaning into my Human Design as a Projector, and Myers Briggs – I am an ISFJ — I’m more in the details, I think things through a lot, I’m more cautious – not from fear, but in the sense that I analyze all the potential outcomes because for better or worse I can see the full HOW – how it needs to happen, instead of ONLY focusing on the vision.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve really gone deep into recognizing that I am not naturally inclined like most personal brand entrepreneurs who want to be “ON” 24/7, creating something new everyday. 24/7. That isn’t playing to my natural abilities.


Alignment is an inner knowing

A friend of mine was supposed to come on a trip last year and even though there was a bit of FOMO, she kept strong in “I don’t think I’m supposed to go.” Her dog was sick and a family member needed massive surgery the week we would have been away. That was spirit guiding her.

Not long after we were traveling again, but this time she called me when I was at the airport and said, “I canceled my flight, I’m freaking out, I had a dream I died in a plane crash, it was so vivid, what If this is a sign? I’m not going to come.” And I reminded her of the emotional stillness of her inner knowing from the previous trip and offered that this could just be the subconscious illustrating fear of being out of control.

This was a POWERFUL lesson for us both in better understanding how to KNOW if it’s intuition or fear.


Speaking of fear — this is something that shows up when we step into the next level version of US – fear of success, fear of failure, judgment, the unknown, etc.


Each NEW level requires – really demands – a new level of YOU.


Meet Your
 Podcast Host

Jamie King - Bio Headshot

Jen Casey is a Master Coach and Trainer of the Psyche Coaching Certification, Energy Healer, Speaker, & host of the Top-100 CEO Psyche® Podcast.

Through bringing together her love of psychology, the subconscious mind, and energetics, along with her passion for online marketing, program design, and masterful facilitation, she helps online coaches design transformational client experiences from marketing and creation — to coaching and facilitation.

She knows building a world-class coaching business, starts with becoming a world-class coach. To follow along with Jen’s work, follow her on IG @heyjencasey, or learn more about her latest offerings at heyjencasey.com. 

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